Weekly Links

Illustration of the Battle of Barnet, via Wikimedia.

By Taylor Marvin

Illustration of the Battle of Barnet, via Wikimedia.
Illustration of the Battle of Barnet, via Wikimedia.

On Syria and chemical weapons: Regional government are feeling even more nervousWhen did chemical weapons become a red line for the US anyway? Elsewhere, Jeffrey Lewis argues that norm againts CW use is worth upholding; John Mueller disagrees.

Al Nusra Front rebels are providing public services in Syria, including producing oil and running bakeries.

Will the new UN Arms Trade Treaty play a role in Syria? Unfortunately, probably not.

Two missiles appear to have been fired at a Russian airliner over Syria, fortunately unsuccessfully.

Allegations Iran has directed Hezbollah to fight in Syria on behalf of Assad.

Ominous news from Iraq, as Kurdish forces are deployed to Kirkuk.

A new RAND report on US overseas military basing.

Gen. Martin Dempsey highlights the military challenges of a potential intervention in Syria.

Brazilian police linked to death squads (via Christine Fair).

Mother Jones hosts striking yet disturbing photos from El Salvador’s long civil war.

More in photos: the transformation of post-revolution Cairo.

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