OAIS Awards Voting Ends Soon!

1557549_10151926783042585_1521517683_nBy Taylor Marvin

It is the final voting stretch in the 2014 Online Achievements in International Studies (OAIS) Awards, managed by the famed Duck of Minerva blog. As many of you may know, Political Violence @ a Glance has been nominated in the Best Blog (Group) category, and for Best Blog Post for two posts — “The Four Things We Know About How Civil Wars End (and What This Tells Us About Syria)” by Barbara F. Walter and “Researching While Black: Why Conflict Research Needs More African Americans (Maybe)” by Christian Davenport.

We’re thrilled to be nominated, and appreciate your votes. Readers can email and request a ballot here, and choose three ranked finalists for the Best Blog category and five for Best Post. Voting ends this Friday, February 7th, so be sure to vote sooner rather than later. Also, this is a great time to check out the other nominees — they are rightfully giving us a run for our money.

Happy voting!

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