Looking Back, Looking Ahead

The Washington Monument. Photo courtesy of Pedro Szekely.

By the PV@Glance Team. 

With the start of a new year, we would like to take a moment to thank our followers for making PV@Glance possible. With much appreciation to our regular contributors, guest bloggers, and readers, Political Violence @ a Glance has once again been able to provide expert analysis and insight into many of today’s most pressing issues. To all of our PV@Glance community, thank you for helping make the blog a success – we hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as we have. Here’s a look back at some of the most viewed posts from 2018, and we hope you’ll hang around for lots of engaging content in the new year. Enjoy!

How Government Tracking Works (We Think) and What Average Citizens Can Do About It — Barbara F. Walter.

Did Banning Assault Weapons Affect Mass Shootings? — Brian Phillips.

Five Nonviolent Resistance Movements to Watch in 2018 — Jonathan Pinckney.

Why do Peaceful Protests “Turn Violent”? — Jonathan Pinckney.

The Logic Behind Assad’s Use of Chemical Weapons — Barbara F. Walter.

Wakanda, Afrofuturism, and Decolonizing International Relations Scholarship — Yolande Bouka.

Civilians, Coups, and Criminal Conflict: A List of Must-Read Scholarship on Political Violence from 2017 — Drew Stommes.

Why Does Anyone Need High-Capacity Magazines? — Andrew Kydd.

Collaborative Research as Structural Violence — Yolande Bouka.

What’s So Important About Territorial Disputes in International Relations? — Sam Ghatak, Aaron Gold, and Brandon Prins.

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